Debašu un publiskās runas nodarbības angļu valodā.
Kursa sākums: 20.01.2024.g.
Nodarbības notiks sestdienās no plkst. 13.30 līdz 15.00
10 nodarbības x 90 min.
Šis kurss ir domāts 9. un 12. klašu skolēniem, kuri gatavojas eksāmeniem, kā arī jauniem cilvēkiem, kuri vēlas attīstīt brīvprātīgu runāšanas prasmi. Kurss piedāvā pamatus debatēšanā, palīdzot skolēniem apgūt pozitīvas un negatīvas argumentācijas prasmes, kā arī argumentu struktūru. Tā mērķis ir veicināt kritisko domāšanu un argumentācijas iemaņu attīstību. Lai nodrošinātu efektīvu darbību, kursam nepieciešams vismaz 4 dalībnieki, kas veicina aktīvu un dinamisku mācību vide. Šis kurss ir lielisks iespējas ceļš tiem, kuri vēlas uzlabot savas debašu prasmes un izjust brīvību runāšanā.

Ready to learn debating with one of the best debate coaches?
In this 10-week course participants will acquire fundamental debating skills, encompassing various formats and positive and negative techniques. Emphasis will be placed on constructing arguments and quick thinking for effective rebuttals. Upon completion, learners will possess both a practical understanding of classic debate and enhanced proficiency in critical thinking and argument structure. Regular debate practice during class is integral, requiring a minimum of 4 participants for optimal effectiveness.
During the initial week, participants will receive an introduction to debate, covering terminology such as affirmative and negative debate, resolutions of value, and policy. The aim is not only to familiarize learners with debate vocabulary but also to explore formal and informal debating in society, emphasizing the existence of two sides to every argument. Informal debates will be conducted to illustrate concepts and enhance student comfort with the debating process.
In the following week, the course will continue to expand on debating concepts by collectively analyzing a debate. This involves identifying instances where debaters employed various skills effectively and areas where their arguments were less impactful. Following this analysis, students will engage in informal debates to practice structuring and articulating strong challenges.
Week three will concentrate on crafting a robust affirmative argument, with class participation involving the sharing of arguments and brief mock debates. The subsequent week will shift focus to the negative debating position, addressing strategies for structuring clashes with affirmative partners through shared arguments and mock debates.
Week five will center on the overall debate structure, guiding learners on placing affirmative and negative speeches within a debate context and preparing effective rebuttals. Shared arguments and mock debates will continue to be integral to the learning process.
In the sixth through tenth weeks, as students grasp the overall format and structure, they will transition into serious debates. Critiques on format and context will be provided, and learners will engage in peer and self-evaluations. Various debate types, including parliamentary, Lincoln-Douglas, and team policy formats, will be introduced and practiced.
Given the collaborative learning environment, maintaining respectful, kind, and helpful behavior in class is crucial. As learners actively participate in honing their debating skills and engage in peer and self-examination, the teacher expects a positive, supportive atmosphere.
Homework and preparation time are essential throughout the course. Learners will be required to research and prepare arguments in advance of specific class weeks. Ultimately, each participant will receive a written evaluation of their debating skills, outlining what has been learned and identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Global Studio Language School
Tērbatas 16/18, Rīga

Vēcums: 15- 16
Atrašanās vieta: Rīga, centrs
Cena: 149 €
Vieta:Rīga, centrs

Unikālo apmeklējumu skaits: 1
Datums: 19.01.2024 10:04