Ilgtermiņa īrei piedāvājam plašu, modernu premium klases māju Salienā.
Mājā ir kvalitatīva apdare, ozolkoka parketa grīdas. Iebūvētās mēbeles tiks uzstādītas September sākumā.
Pēc īrnieka pieprasījuma māju varēs papildus apmēbelēt.

Plānojums: pirmajā stāvā plaša viesistaba izeju uz terasi, pilnībā aprīkota virtuve, guļamistaba/kabinets, vannas istaba, tehniska telpa ar veļasmašīnu, žāvētāju un iebūvēto skapi. Otrajā stāvā - trīs guļamistabas, galvenā guļamistaba ar ģērbtuvi, privātu vannas istabu. Otrajā stāvā ir divas vannas istabas.
Ir garāža divām automašīnām.
Mājā aprīkotā ar rekuperācijas ventilāciju. Mājas teritorija ir iežogota, apzaļumota.

Ciemats atrodas tuvējā Latvijas galvaspilsētas priekšpilsētā, kas atrodas starp Rīgu un Jūrmalu.
1 km rādiusā atrodas: Exupéry International School, King's College, The British School of Latvia, pašvaldību skolas un pirmsskolas iestādes, mūzikas skola, Inbox Ledus halle, golfa laukums. Uz Jūrmalu ir veloceliņš, kas sasniedzama 10 minūšu laikā. Lidosta 10 min. ar mašīnu.

We offer a spacious, modern premium class house in Saliena for long-term rent.
The house has quality finishes, oak parquet floors. The built-in furniture will be installed at the beginning of September.
At the tenant's request, the house can be additionally furnished.

Layout: on the first floor, a spacious living room with exit to the terrace, fully equipped kitchen, bedroom/office, bathroom, utility room with washing machine, dryer and built-in wardrobe. On the second floor - three bedrooms, master bedroom with dressing room, private bathroom. There are two bathrooms on the second floor.
There is a garage for two cars.
The house is equipped with recovery ventilation. The territory of the house is fenced, greened.

The village is located in a nearby suburb of the capital of Latvia, which is located between Riga and Jurmala.
Within a radius of 1 km there are: Exupéry International School, King's College, The British School of Latvia, municipal schools and preschool institutions, music school, Inbox Ledus hall, golf course. There is a bicycle path to Jurmala that can be reached in 10 minutes. Airport 10 min. by car.
We offer a spacious, modern premium class house in Saliena for long-term rent.
The house has quality finishes, oak parquet floors. The built-in furniture will be installed at the beginning of September.
At the tenant's request, the house can be additionally furnished.

Layout: on the first floor, a spacious living room with exit to the terrace, fully equipped kitchen, bedroom/office, bathroom, utility room with washing machine, dryer and built-in wardrobe. On the second floor - three bedrooms, master bedroom with dressing room, private bathroom. There are two bathrooms on the second floor.
There is a garage for two cars.
The house is equipped with recovery ventilation. The territory of the house is fenced, greened.

The village is located in a nearby suburb of the capital of Latvia, which is located between Riga and Jurmala.
Within a radius of 1 km there are: Exupéry International School, King's College, The British School of Latvia, municipal schools and preschool institutions, music school, Inbox Ledus hall, golf course. There is a bicycle path to Jurmala that can be reached in 10 minutes. Airport 10 min. by car.

Pilsēta/pagasts: Babītes pag.
Pilsēta, rajons: Rīgas rajons
Ciems: Piņķi
Iela: Saullēktu 2 [Karte]
Platība: 226 m²
Stāvu skaits: 2
Istabas: 5
Zemes platība: 840 m²
Ērtības: Boileris, Dārzs, Garāža, Gāzes katls, Karstais ūdens
Cena: 2 500 €/mēn.

Vieta:Rīgas rajons
Uzņēmums:IK UP Holding

Unikālo apmeklējumu skaits: 1
Datums: 09.10.2024 17:06