Making a significant step towards the carbon-neutral era, the ePaper is perfect for environments where static content is always on display and needs regular updating such as in retail, hospitality, and transportation settings. With a paper-like appearance, the ePaper benefits from low reflection and no blue light ensuring unimpaired readability.

The digital alternative to paper posters is available in 13” and 25”, and supports landscape, portrait, face-up, face-down, and freestanding operation and effortlessly delivers content through selected Content Management System (CMS) partners or via USB, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth, ensuring ease of use and maximised flexibility. Consuming zero watts when presenting data, and requiring minimal power when content changes, the ePaper is an impressive energy efficient signage solution. Sharp. eu

Марка: Sharp epaper Sharp ep-c251
Размер: Другой
Тип: LED
Состояние: нов.
Цена: 1 700 €

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 17.04.2024 20:49