Pārdodu Vatikāna monētu kolekciju.
Cenas norādītas zemāk.

CC. 6 75th anniversary of the founding of the Vatican City State - 150 eiro
CC. 14 20th World Youth Day in Cologne - 260 eiro
CC. 21 5th centenary of the Swiss Pontifical Guard - 250 eiro
CC. 37 80th anniversary of the Pope Benedictus XVI - 170 eiro
CC. 50 The Year of Saint Paul - 90 eiro
CC. 72 International Year of Astronomy - 75 eiro
CC. 86 The Year for Priests - 50 eiro
CC. 103 The 26th World Youth Day in Madrid - 55 eiro
CC. 133 The Seventh World Families’ Meeting in Milan - 50 eiro
CC. 143 Sede Vacante MMXIII - 65 eiro
CC. 152 28th World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro - 50 eiro
CC. 175 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall - 50 eiro
CC. 203 The VIII World Meeting of Families - 45 eiro
CC. 245 200th anniversary of the Gendarmerie Corps of Vatican City State - 45 eiro
CC. 256 The Holy Year of Mercy - 45 eiro
CC. 272 1950th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Peter and Saint Paul - 40 eiro
CC. 283 Centenary of the Fatima apparitions - 45 eiro
CC. 312 European Year of Cultural Heritage The Laocoön group - 35 eiro
CC. 324 50th Anniversary of the death of Padre Pio - 35 eiro
CC. 339 90th anniversary of the foundation of the Vatican City State - 32 eiro
CC. 355 Sistine Chapel End of the restoration 1994-2019 - 32 eiro
CC. 371 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pope John Paul II - 45 eiro
CC. 385 500th Anniversary of the death of Raphael Sanzio -32
CC. 409 The 450th anniversary of the birth of Caravaggio - 35 eiro
CC. 423 The 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri - 35 eiro
CC. 463 The 125th anniversary of the birth of Pope Paul VI - 32 eiro
CC. 464 The 25th anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta - 35 eiro
CC. 494 The 5th Centenary of the death of Pietro Perugino - 28 eiro
CC. 509 The 150th anniversary of the death of Alessandro Manzoni - 28 eiro

Номинал: 2 eiro
Год выпуска: 2023
Страна: Vatikāns
Материал: биметалл
Вес, г.: 8.5
Цена: 28 €
Телефон: (+371)22-07-***
E-mail: Отправить e-mail

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 24.04.2024 11:11