Izstaigā demo dzīvokļa 3D tūri. Links zemāk.
Piedāvājumā 3 istabu dzīvoklis, kurā ir 2 guļamistabas, 3 sanmezgli un viesistaba apvienojumā ar virtuvi, kuru ir iespējams ērti nodalīt. Katra no guļamistabām ir aprīkota ar savu sanmezglu. Visu guļamistabu logi vērsti uz iekšpagalmu savukārt dzīvojamās telpas uz fasādi.
Dzīvoklis tiek piedāvāts ar pilnu apdari, bez virtuves un gaismekļiem. (Bildes no demo dzīvokļa)
Ēkā renovācijas laikā tika atjaunota fasāde, mainīti stāvvadi, izbūvēta jauna apkures sistēma ar individuālajiem skaitītājiem, izbūvēts jauns lifts, renovēta kāpņutelpa. Ēka tiks sadalīta dzīvokļu īpašumos, zeme īpašumā.
Iespēja iekšpagalmā iegādāties stāvvietu, kā arī mantu glabātuves.
Benjamina Romance atrodas aktīva dzīvesveida un pilsētvides sniegto priekšrocību centrā, blakus parkiem un restorāniem.
Projektā pieejami 23 dzīvokļi dažādu izmēru dzīvokļi - gan 2 istabu, gan 4 istabu. Zemāk linkā apskatāma arī dzīvokļa 3D tūre.
Quoting the world-famous philosopher V. Benjamins: What is forgotten. has never been truly individual.
The building at 53 Dzirnavu Street was built in 1898, has survived the turn of the century and the cold of history, and housed famous writers, politicians and philosophers. The walls of the apartments are saturated with the smell of history, but renovated with a modern taste. In the 1930s, the house was the home of the talented German philosopher and literary master Walter Benjamin, who with his works inspired Dzirnava Street 53 to be named Benjamina Romance.
We offer a 3-room apartment with 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a living room combined with a kitchen that can be easily separated. Each of the bedrooms is equipped with its own bathroom. The windows of all bedrooms face the courtyard, while the living rooms face the facade.
During the renovation of the building, the facade was restored, risers were changed, a new heating system with individual meters was built, a new elevator was built, and the stairwell was renovated. The building will be divided into apartment properties, the land will be owned.
It is possible to buy a parking space in the courtyard, as well as a storage room.
Benjamina Romance is located in the heart of an active lifestyle and the benefits of an urban environment, next to parks and restaurants.
23 apartments of different sizes are available in the project.
Дзирнаву 53 [Карта]
128 м²
Этаж / этажей:
Тип дома:
Парковочное место
377 190 € (2 946.80 €/м²)