Izīrējam trīsistabu dzīvokli renovētā pirmskara ēkā, kas atrodas prestižajā un klusajā centrā vēstniecību tuvumā. Īpašums ir stratēģiski izvietots uz Ausekļa un Elizabetes ielu stūra, kas piedāvā gan dabas klātbūtni, gan izsmalcinātu pilsētas atmosfēru.

Dzīvoklis ir tikko pēc kvalitatīva remonta, un tajā vēl neviens nav dzīvojis, kas sniedz iespēju kļūt par pirmajiem iemītniekiem. Dzīvoklī ir divas mājīgas guļamistabas, plaša viesistaba, moderni aprīkota virtuve un divi sanmezgli, kas piemēroti gan ikdienas vajadzībām, gan viesu uzņemšanai.

Īpašumam ir arī autostāvvieta slēgtā pagalmā (nav iezīmēta) un noliktavas telpa, kas nodrošina papildu ērtību un drošību.

Šis piedāvājums ir lieliska izvēle tiem, kas novērtē mūsdienīgu dzīves vidi un vēsturiskās arhitektūras eleganci.
We are renting a three-room apartment in a renovated pre-war building, located in the prestigious and quiet center - near the embassies. The property is strategically located on the corner of Ausekļa and Elizabetes streets, which offers both the presence of nature and a sophisticated city atmosphere.

The apartment has just undergone a high-quality renovation, and no one has lived in it yet, which provides an opportunity to become the first residents. The apartment has two cozy bedrooms, a spacious living room, a modernly equipped kitchen and two bathrooms, suitable for both everyday needs and receiving guests.

The property also has a parking space in a closed courtyard (not marked) and a storage room, which provides additional convenience and security.

This offer is an excellent choice for those who appreciate a modern living environment and the elegance of historical architecture.
We are renting a three-room apartment in a renovated pre-war building, located in the prestigious and quiet center - near the embassies. The property is strategically located on the corner of Ausekļa and Elizabetes streets, which offers both the presence of nature and a sophisticated city atmosphere.

The apartment has just undergone a high-quality renovation, and no one has lived in it yet, which provides an opportunity to become the first residents. The apartment has two cozy bedrooms, a spacious living room, a modernly equipped kitchen and two bathrooms, suitable for both everyday needs and receiving guests.

The property also has a parking space in a closed courtyard (not marked) and a storage room, which provides additional convenience and security.

This offer is an excellent choice for those who appreciate a modern living environment and the elegance of historical architecture.

Город: Рига
Район: центр
Улица: Аусекля 1 [Карта]
Комнат: 3
Площадь: 78 м²
Этаж / этажей: 3/5/лифт
Серия: Рекон.
Тип дома: Кирпичный
Цена: 1 000 €/мес. (12.82 €/м²)


Уникальных просмотров: 12
Дата: 19.03.2025 20:45

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