Pārdod telpas kur iespējams izveidot vairākus dzīvokļus. Iespējama Šobrīd pielāgotas sporta zālei un fizioterapijas nodarbībām, bet var tikt izmantotas arī citiem mēŗkiem, nodrošinām lietošanas mēŗka maiņu uz dzīvojamām telpām. Telpās ir veikts kapitālais remonts, tās ir pārdomāti un kvalitatīvi atjaunotas. Individuāla apkure ar gaiss-gaiss siltumsūknis un ventilācijas sistēma, ierīkota kvalitatīva santehnika, ugunsdrošības sensori, kas savienoti ar signalizāciju, videonovērošana pie mājas. Ir nomainītas elektroinstalācijas, jauni kanalizācijas stāvvadi, pilnībā renovēts grīdas segums, nomainīti logi. Plānojums ļauj ērti sadalīt telpas 3 atsevišķās daļās (dzīvokļos) ar 50m2, 42m2 un 42 m2. Papildus ir izveidotas 2 ģērbtuves, un 2 sanmezgli (Tualete ar dušas telpu) Griestu augstums ir 2, 6 m2.
Ērta vieta ar labu sabiedriskā transporta infrastruktūru, ēkas pagalmā vieta automašīnām (ar atļaujām).

Apartment for sale, in the semi-basement, which are adapted for a gym and physiotherapy classes, but can also be used for other purposes, we provide a change of use to residential premises (within this price). The premises have been overhauled, they have been thoughtfully and qualitatively renovated. Individual heating with an air-to-air heat pump and ventilation system, high-quality plumbing, fire safety sensors connected to the alarm system, video surveillance at the house. Electrical installations have been replaced, new sewer risers, completely renovated flooring, windows have been replaced. The layout allows you to easily divide the premises into 3 separate parts (apartments) with 50m2, 42m2 and 42m2. In addition, there are 2 dressing rooms and 2 bathrooms (toilet with shower room). The ceiling height is 2.6 m2.
Convenient location with good public transport infrastructure, space for cars in the courtyard of the building (with permits).

Commercial premises for sale, which are adapted for a gym and physiotherapy classes, but can also be used for other purposes. The premises have been overhauled, they have been thoughtfully and qualitatively renovated. Individual heating with an air-to-air heat pump and ventilation system, high-quality plumbing, fire safety sensors connected to the alarm system, video surveillance at the house. Electrical installations have been replaced, new sewer risers, completely renovated flooring, windows have been replaced. The layout allows you to easily divide the premises into 3 separate parts of 50m2, 42m2 and 42m2. In addition, there are 2 dressing rooms and 2 bathrooms (Toilet with shower room). The ceiling height is 2.6 m2.
Convenient location with good public transport infrastructure, space for cars in the courtyard of the building (with permits).

Город: Рига
Район: Югла
Улица: Бривибас гатве 387 [Карта]
Комнат: 6
Площадь: 173 м²
Этаж / этажей: 1/4
Серия: Дов. дом
Тип дома: Каменный
Удобства: Парковочное место
Цена: 60 000 € (346.82 €/м²)


Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 04.09.2024 18:05